Sep 27, 2019
Today on the podcast we have with us Dylan Murphy. Dylan Murphy is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist working in private practice in Nashville, TN. Living in a diet saturated world, she knows it can be overwhelming to determine what a healthy relationship with food looks like. Women are constantly fed lies that happiness is found in the size of their jeans, the number on the scale and the cups of celery juices they can drink in a day. Her passion is to help women ditch the nonsense of diets and create lives marked with food freedom and body confidence.
She graduated with a degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from Clemson University and completed her Dietetic Residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She offers nutrition coaching with a non-diet, HAES approach. In her practice, Dylan Murphy Nutrition, she provides nutrition coaching, using her signature process - The Free Method, to women all across the country. Her focus areas are eating disorders, negative body image, disordered eating, chronic dieting and women’s health. Her coaching program centers around the principles of Intuitive Eating and Mindful Eating, the importance of body respect, self-care and stress-management and the skills necessary to turn health goals into sustainable habits.
Find more about Dylan and get her free e-guide:
In this episode we discuss:
Get Victoria’s FREE E-BOOK on how to ditch the diets.
Victoria’s favorite Primally Pure products:
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