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Nourishing Women Podcast

May 28, 2021

Mindfulness has been a buzzword for the past few years and the number of people practicing in the US has tripled in the past decade, but so many don’t know the real principles behind it. It’s more than simply calming the mind, it involves self-love, forgiveness, compassion, authenticity, and perspective.



May 25, 2021

Today’s episode is another round of Ask Me Anything Q&A with my amazing assistant, Kate, asking me your listener questions. In this episode we cover in detail birth control for hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), how long it takes to recover from HA, how to heal from HA as a college athlete and lab values that confirm or...

May 21, 2021

If you resonate with being a perfectionist or a “good girl”, you’ll love today’s guest, Majo Molfino, the Latinx author of Break The Good Girl Myth, host of the HEROINE Podcast designer, and women’s leadership expert.


Majo Molfino guides women toward more power and meaning through her unique blend of...

May 14, 2021

Today's guest is Jessie Johnson, a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist and the founder of Good Farma.  As a leader in promoting sustainable food systems that prioritize transparency + planetary integrity, Jessie brings a pinch of rogue activism to her work.  She believes all food should be easy, all food should be...

May 11, 2021

As we continue to explore gentle nutrition in this series, I’d love to talk to you today about nutrition hierarchy. 


Today we will explore the concept of nutrition hierarchy, so what matters most and least when it comes to nutrition. Because I know you, and that you tend to be fixated and worried about “doing it...