Dec 7, 2021
Today on the podcast, I’m sharing with you 10 easy ways to cope with a bad body image day. This will be a short and sweet episode, which is perfect, anytime you are having one of these days, a bonus step could be coming to listen to this episode to remind you how to navigate it. The truth is, bad body image days happen.
I find for a lot of my clients, they can happen when they are challenging food fears (and the discomfort of eating them makes their brain perceive they have suddenly gained loads of weight), when they are having a stressful day or week and just generally can occur when things in our life feel out of control. As sad as it is, most of us feel that our bodies and food are sometimes the only thing in our lives that we can control. We want to be compassionate with ourselves when we feel this way, but I also encourage you to not let these negative thoughts dictate your actions and how you treat yourself or feed yourself. Listen to today's episode to learn more!
Thank you to Primally Pure for bringing today’s episode. I am enjoying the rose tinted lip balm,plumping face mask and charcoal deodorant, all perfect for entering into the spring season. You can use the code NOURISH for 10% off your first order.
This episode is brought to you by Food & Body Peace Playbook, which is officially open for enrollment for our January program. If you ready to say YES to intuitive eating and treating your body well in 2022 join now to grab one of the limited spots inside the program.
We are also booking for the final spots for 2021 and early bird spots for 2022 for our virtual practice, Nourishing Minds Nutrition. Reach out now to get started with one on one coaching for intuitive eating, body image, hormone support and digestive relief.
Resources for you:
Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN: