Aug 18, 2020
Today we are going to chat why clean eating is a diet in disguise. If you attended the why diets don’t work workshop this will be a review, but i wanted to turn parts of the workshop into a podcast episode because this information was too good not to share here!
I wanted to started by saying that I find most people don’t think they are dieting, but indeed they are...which is the purpose of the episode. I think the best place to start this is by defining dieting. Because it’s hard to truly understand what is dieting.
Why is that? Well, the diet industry has changed over the years. Sure, there’s the diets we all know are diets: South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, counting calories. But what’s so confusing is that much of the dieting messages are all about “lifestyles” and “way of eating you can stick to for life.”
Diets haven’t disappeared though...they’ve rebranded to sound less like a diet and more like a lifestyle...this is clean eating messages of the health and wellness world. The sneaky version of diets these days. The kind of lifestyles that are about elevating yourself above others, a better than mentality for how clean you eat...and ultimately? A message that boils down to lose weight or look like me to have perfect health.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Are you ready to remove the nutrition noise and the confusion and overwhelm of the permission stage of intuitive eating? Then my online course, Permission Stage Playbook, is a perfect fit for you. If you are ready to confidently become an intuitive eater and practice wellness without obsession, then click here to learn more and sign up (enrollment opened this weekly only!) Don't forget to use the code NOURISH for $20 off your online course purchase.
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