Aug 28, 2020
Today on the podcast I have back past guest, listen to her first episode here, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack. Lisa is the creator of the Fertility Friday blog and podcast. I am a certified Fertility Awareness Educator, a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, and I have personally used Fertility Awareness as my primary method of birth control for nearly 20 years.
The goal of this episode is to give you the information of the pro's and con's of each form of birth control to help you make an autonomous decision with informed consent.
In this episode we discuss:
Lisa’s resources:
Use the code NOURISH for 10% off your Primally Pure order for your natural deo subscription, and you can also get half off your first month of your subscription in August!
My online course on intuitive eating, Permission Stage Playbook, is currently closed for enrollment but you can join the waitlist by clicking here. Enrollment re-opens later in fall!
Resources for you:
Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN: