Nov 29, 2019
Along with our free holiday survival guide e-book, the team of dietitians at Nourishing Minds Nutrition (Kelsey, Megan and myself), wanted to record this episode to help you with how to use intuitive eating strategies to survive the holiday season. Not yet downloaded our free e-book? Check out the link in these...
Nov 26, 2019
I want to start off this conversation by saying...Our bodies are made for detoxing and equipped to handle toxins, chemicals, stress and inflammation- so many of the taboo words in the health and wellness world.
The problem is not that we should avoid all these things forever and freak out if we ever use a soap that...
Nov 22, 2019
Sara Forte is a two-time cookbook author, award-winning food blogger at Sprouted Kitchen, co-creator of the Sprouted Kitchen Cooking Club, mom of two, and equal opportunity salad and brownie enthusiast living in Southern California. Sara’s food blog, Sprouted Kitchen, launched over a decade ago and has been...
Nov 19, 2019
In today's episode, Victoria debunks 5 myths about your period and hormonal health. This episode details through why having a natural, monthly period is important to your long term health, why its important to know when you are ovulating, the significance of cervical mucus, why you don't have to follow a strict diet or...
Nov 15, 2019
A powerful and often forgot about way to take care of ourselves is through the products we use in our homes. Today on the podcast, we have Allison Evans, one of the founders of the nontoxic cleaning company Branch Basics.
Allison Evans is a co-founder of Branch Basics and lives in Texas. After experiencing a...