Oct 23, 2020
214: How to Say No Without Being a Dick with Amy Smith
You are going to LOVE today’s podcast episode with guest Amy Smith. In this episode, we focus on giving you all the tips and tricks you’ll need to establish boundaries and say no, all without being a dick and instead with kindness and compassion. Amy E. Smith...
Oct 20, 2020
I know you, my friend. I know you love all things health, wellness and nutrition. But the real truth? You obsess over it. Fear it. And deprive yourself of true enjoyment. You’re here, listening to the show because you are ready for change. In today’s episode, I invite you to reflect and identify your personal...
Oct 16, 2020
Don’t forget to sign up for The Food Obsession to Food Flexibility Workshop with one final date left to sign up, tomorrow Saturday, October 17th at 10am EST.
Today’s podcast episode is with guest Deanna Wolf RD/N, LD/N who is the creator and owner of @dietitiandeanna, the Food Freedom Breakthrough Program...
Oct 13, 2020
I recently shared a post on perfectionism and the unhealthy obsession with eating healthy and it resonated with SO many of you, so I wanted to share more in depth in today’s episode.
In the post I shared, that I’m not sure I’ve ever worked with a client that’s had orthorexia and didn’t also seriously...
Oct 9, 2020
210: All Foods Fit Mentality and HAES on the Internet with Shana Spence RD/N
Today on the podcast I have guest and fellow anti-diet dietitian, Shana Spence, on the show. Shana labels herself as an "eat anything" dietitian. Shana believes since life is already complicated, why restrict yourself? She created a...