Sep 13, 2019
In this episode we have back with us guest Lisa Hayim. Lisa is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who helps her community discover food freedom and learn modern mindful eating with her Instagram account, blog and online course Fork the Noise Fundamentals. We discuss in this episode:
-Lisa’s journey with disordered eating and how she discovered food freedom
-What are food fears and specific tools you can use to let go of the fear and have freedom around food choices
-How disordered eating is so much deeper than food issues alone
-The differences between traditional mindful eating and modern mindful eating
-Advice for any bride-to-be for not giving in to dieting behaviors surrounding the wedding
-Who Fork the Noise Fundamentals is for, how you may benefit from taking the course and when you can take it (open right now for the last time in 2019!)
Here’s the FREE e-book on beginning your journey to ditch the diets.
My special discount for YOU for Lisa’s Fork the Noise Fundamentals Course. Course enrollment closes next week, join now while you still can! This is the last enrollment period for 2019.
Check out my blog for new content updated weekly.
Other information discussed:
Lisa’s blog post on traditional mindful eating vs modern mindful eating
Lisa’s previous episode on Nourishing Women Podcast
Victoria’s favorite Primally Pure products:
Resources for you:
Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN: